Raise awareness, Train, Engage,  Measure
Innovation serving learning

Raise awareness, engage, measure

Our web app provides numerous self-assessments on all diversity topics. It allows employees to self-assess in 10 minutes on a number of situations that reveal their way of collaborating and enables them to obtain their profile immediately.
illustration d'une femme qui est en interaction avec son mobile


Self-assessment topics


Years of expertise in D&I


Client companies

152 000+


  1. check point
    An innovative and accessible digital tool
  2. check point
    An effective learning method
  3. check point
    Real-life practical scenarios
  4. 1-Done
    Fast deployment

Over 60 client companies using our digital solutions

  • Air-france
  • Andra
  • Bank-Al-Maghrib
  • Banque-populaire-AUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES
  • Banque-populaire-du-sud
  • BPCE
  • CA-Consumer-finance
  • Caisse-des-depots
  • Covea
  • Credit-Mutuel-Nord-Europe
  • Devoteam
  • EDF
  • Elanova
  • Enagas
  • Free
  • groupe-rocher
  • ILL
  • iqeq
  • IRSN
  • La-Poste
  • La-Villette
  • Labeyrie-fine-foods
  • Link-mobility
  • Montpellier-business-school
  • Natixis
  • Orange
  • Pernod-Ricard
  • RATP
  • RTE
  • RWE
  • Tech-your-place
  • TF1
  • Transactis
  • Veolia
  • VYV

 Raise awareness 

How can you raise awareness among all of your employees?

Thanks to our digital tool (web application) accessible on all connected devices, which includes a 100% anonymous self-assessment. It allows employees to self-evaluate in 10 minutes on a number of situations that reveal the way of working together within the company.
This learning methodology promotes self-awareness, which is the first step in any individual and collective transformation. In addition to becoming more self-aware, the self-assessment can also help employees better understand the experiences and perspectives of their colleagues, thus fostering greater empathy and a better understanding of others.

  1. check point
    Choose the requested data
  2. check point
    Broadcast worldwide
  3. check point
    Tailor the scenarios to your needs
  4. 1-Done
    Ensure anonymity

illustration homme devant des mises en situation sur un mobile

Engage your teams on inclusion and diversity

How can you raise awareness among all your employees?

By encouraging employees to reflect on inclusion and diversity, the company contributes to creating a culture of inclusion where all employees feel respected and valued. Employee engagement and well-being at work are thus promoted.
It also allows the company to communicate its managerial signature and provide guidelines to employees for transforming their practices.

The self-assessments already available

We have designed numerous self-assessments on various diversity-related topics. We adapt the scenarios to the company's context and its policies on the issue. Contact us to get yours.

What is your understanding of sexism in the workplace?

The self-assessment on sexism at work is a four-part tool designed to evaluate and combat various forms of sexism within a company. It addresses gender stereotypes, everyday sexism, hostile sexism, and sexual violence. Participants are encouraged to analyze their attitudes, identify problematic situations, and implement actions to promote an inclusive and respectful work environment.


Are you an inclusive colleague?

The self-assessment "Are you an inclusive colleague?" is a four or five-part tool designed to evaluate and improve inclusivity within a company. It addresses diversity-related stereotypes, micro-aggressions, working relationships, the role of managers, and the perception of inclusion in the company. Participants are encouraged to analyze their behaviors, identify situations that require improvement, and implement practices that promote an inclusive and supportive work environment.


Are you an inclusive manager?

The self-assessment "Are you an inclusive manager?" is a five-part tool designed to assess and improve inclusive management skills. It focuses on non-discrimination, recognition of individuality, transparency, kindness, and humility. Participants are encouraged to analyze their management practices and adopt behaviors that promote an inclusive and respectful work environment.

Shall we discuss it?

Are you a gender diversity ally?

The self-assessment "Are you an ally for gender diversity?" is a five-part tool aimed at assessing and supporting gender diversity in the workplace. It addresses the perception of issues, gender stereotypes, micro-aggressions, self-censorship, and management practices. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their attitudes, identify areas for improvement, and adopt behaviors that promote an inclusive and equitable work environment.


Your understanding of the LGBT+ question in the workplace

The self-assessment "Your understanding of the LGBT+ question in the workplace" is a five-part tool aimed at evaluating and improving awareness of LGBT+ issues in the workplace. It addresses knowledge of the subject, common misconceptions, micro-aggressions, working interactions, and LGBT+ inclusive environments. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their behaviors and adopt practices that promote an inclusive and respectful professional environment for LGBT+ individuals.

Measuring diversity

To steer and commit to an effective diversity and inclusion policy, it is essential to measure. That's why we provide companies with access to collective results to obtain a snapshot of the cultural practices of their employees. Respondents also have access to their results and can compare their results to those of other members of the company.
  • For the respondent
An analysis of one's own posture and a comparison with peers.
arraignée score final
  • For the company
In-depth analyses situation by situation.
Deciphering situations that need improvement, which may not be fully understood by employees, in order to implement targeted actions.

  1. 1-Done

    Promoting awareness

    A self-assessment allows employees to better understand the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workplace. Concrete scenarios allow them to put themselves in the shoes of others and better understand the challenges faced by colleagues belonging to minority groups.

  2. 1-Done

    Improving communication

    Self-assessment can promote communication between employees and management regarding the importance of inclusion and diversity by allowing employees to experience inclusion and express their feelings anonymously. This tool can also help to communicate the company's values and actions already taken in the area of diversity and inclusion.

  3. 1-Done

    Identifying training needs

    By gathering information on employees' skills and knowledge related to inclusion and diversity, self-assessment can help companies identify training needs and design tailored programs for specific audiences (managers, employees, business units, etc.).

  4. 1-Done

    Strengthening employee engagement

    By demonstrating that the company is committed to issues of inclusion and diversity, self-assessment can contribute to strengthening employee engagement with the company and its corporate culture. When employees feel included and valued, they are more likely to remain loyal to their company and be more invested in their work. Strengthening the corporate culture can also improve the company's reputation and attract new talent, which can enhance productivity and the quality of work.

  5. 1-Done

    Better collaboration and productivity

    By promoting inclusion and diversity, companies foster a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, and understanding among employees. This can lead to an improvement in productivity and the quality of work.

What do our clients say about our self-assessments?
An exceptional user experience for both employees and HR/DE&I teams.
  • "A highly responsive team with their finger on the pulse of managerial reality, providing support throughout the process of creating the self-diagnostic tool, which is well received by our managers."

    Arnaud Hermitte DEI Education Director chez L'Oréa
    Arnaud Hermitte

    DEI Education Director Chez L'Oréal

  • "Me&YouToo offers highly relevant tools for working on D&I topics. The content is rich in both content and format, and very well designed.  In addition: the team is extremely friendly!"

    Isabelle Hellio Directrice diversité et engagement chez Veolia
    Isabelle Hellio

    Diversity and Engagement Director at Veolia

  • “The statistics access link allows us to see in real time the impact of our communication and the  mobilization of our employees. We've been following it closely since this afternoon😊
    I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you, Inès and Carole, for the high quality of the content, the delivery of the conference and the service associated with the self-diagnosis platform. You are top notch!"

    Céline Teppoz ST Microelectronics
    Céline Teppoz

    HR-CSR Diversity & Inclusion Manager at STMicroelctronics

  • "An agile and efficient team, with one member declaring that "in work you have to be generous". I have kept this quote in mind..."

    isabelle ruault
    Isabelle Ruault

    Head of Customer Experience and External Communications, Bus Network, RATP Group

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Is it really anonymous?

      points clés

      We do not keep cookies, and we do not track IP addresses. No login, password, or email is required from the respondent. Our self-assessments are 100% anonymous.

    • Do you comply with GDPR regulations?

      We do not ask for any personal data. It is impossible for Me&YouToo and the company to identify individuals based on their results.

    • Are there international versions available?
      Our international service translates and adapts the content in collaboration with your team in the countries where you wish to distribute the self-assessments. We have already adapted the content to the major regions of the world and translated it into 22 languages. This way, we are consistent with our mission of promoting inclusion.
    • Do you need the emails of our employees?

      courrier electronique

      We do not need the emails of your employees. We will send you the link to your company's self-assessment, and it's up to you to distribute it internally.

    • Are the prices the same for all companies?
      You choose a package of assessments valid for one year according to your budget and the scope you wish to raise awareness in.

    • How long does it take to deploy a self-assessment?

      construction de l'autodiagnostic
      There is a customization time that varies depending on the companies. And the delivery time for your self-assessment by the Me&YouToo team (which is typically 5 business days for France).
      For international deployment, it will depend on our presence in that country and the responsiveness of your teams for adaptation.
      We have already deployed in 22 countries in 7 languages in 1 month.

    Would you like to know more? Schedule a meeting with us