Online classes


Preventing sexism

Online class structure:
Through this class, employees will learn to distinguish between allowed and prohibited behaviors, understand the different forms of sexism and sexual violence in the workplace, as well as the legal and ethical consequences of these behaviors.
This class provides practical advice on how to react as a victim, witness, or manager, providing concrete means for companies to prevent and manage these delicate situations.


Class objectives: 

Provide employees with the tools to act in cases of sexist behaviors and sexual violence,
Enable them to adapt their current practices to better prevent these behaviors in the workplace.
By choosing our e-learning module, your company can demonstrate its commitment to preventing sexist behaviors and sexual violence in the workplace while providing its employees with a practical and effective training tool. Employees will be better informed and more aware of these issues, which will contribute to creating a more respectful and safer work environment for all.
 Topics covered in the online class: sexist behaviors, everyday sexism, sexist insults, workplace sexual harassment, sexist micro-aggressions, sexual violence...
Excerpts from the class on preventing sexism

Do you have any questions? Do you want to know more?

Schedule a meeting with us

Véronique Selosse

Customer Success Manager